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Senior Probabilistic Safety Analysis Engineer

Holtec International
Camden, New Jersey, United States
Position Description:
The Senior Probabilistic Safety Analysis Engineer will review and provide critical comments and recommendations on RELAP and MELCOR vendor-related products.

  • Develop, maintain and update SMR-300 RELAP and MELCOR base decks to ensure they reflect plant design changes;
  • Prepare and review design deliverables and presentations;
  • Support development of engineering and licensing documentation;
  • Mentor and lead other PSA engineers on the techniques and requirements associated with evaluating the plant and containment response;
  • Lead and execute key severe accident and containment response; and
  • Provide mentoring to other PSA team members on the development and use of RELAP and MELCOR. 
  • Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent in Nuclear Engineering, Thermal Power Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, or closely related field;
  • 4 years of experience as a Thermohydraulic Analyst, or a related occupation;
  • Experience using thermal hydraulic and containment response codes (i.e. MELCOR);
  • Experience in commercial nuclear design or operation;
  • Experience conducting safety analysis of Pressurized Water-type reactors (PWR);
  • Experience performing transient and accident analyses using system thermal hydraulic codes;
  • Experience performing radiological consequences analyses using RADTRAD and RASCAL;
  • Experience conducting computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analyses; and
  • Experience using: computer codes for NPP model development and risk quantification (i.e. CAFTA, SAPHIRE, RiskSpectrum, or equivalent).
  • Must be eligible to work in accordance with DOE 10 CFR section 810.